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Sports Premium

Our Vision

As a Church of England School we are guided by our Christian values in supporting the learning of all our children. Physical education develops the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing skill and confidence in a range of physical activities. These include dance, games, gymnastics, athletics and outdoor adventure activities. Physical education promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action and the skills of cooperation and teamwork. It promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.

Aims of P.E.

Our expectations for all children at St Johns are:

  • To enable children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and coordination
  • To encourage children to work and play with others in a range of group situations
  • To develop the way children perform skills, and apply rules and conventions, for different activities
  • To show children how to improve the quality and control of their performance;
  • To teach children to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise
  • To develop the children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination
  • To develop an understanding in children of how to succeed in a range of physical activities, and how to evaluate their own success.

Primary Sports Funding

At St John's First School, we believe that physical education is a vital part of every child’s First School experiences, and physical well-being for every learner is given high priority within our school.

We welcome the government’s commitment to sport in primary schools through the School Sport Premium. This funding is given to schools to promote sport as part of the Olympics ‘inspire a generation’ message.

We have used the documents published by the Ofsted and the DfE (shown below) to support us in assessing and auditing our provision of PE and identifying how to spend our Premium.