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Home School Agreement

Partnership between parents and the school is essential for children to make good progress. St John’s operates an open door policy and encourages parents and carers to come into school.

At St John’s we share information about our learning with parents and carers through a ‘Meet the Teacher’ session at the start of the year, our Home Learning pack, termly curriculum maps, a home school link book, termly parent consultations and every ‘topic/ theme’ features a celebration event, where children share their learning with their friends and family.

We organise a range of activities which involve parents and carers in the life of the school and their child’s education e.g. 'Bedtime Stories,' Grandparents Day and Class assemblies.

We are grateful for the support of volunteers who help us at St Johns. You can help in so many different activities

  • Reading
  • Working in the library
  • Helping on trips and at special event days
  • Playing games
  • Helping in the classrooms
  • Making and mending resources
  • Gardening

The list goes on and on!

If you would like to help in school, please contact the school office.